Columbus The Bulldog And His Favourite Toy The Hammock

The thought of lying in a hammock is pure bliss. Stretched out in the sun, without a care in the world, and being suspended in mid-air has something special about it, that is hard to replicate with any other bed. The reality though can often be much different. Getting onto a hammock gracefully is a mission in itself, and the same could be said about getting off it.

So you would think that for a dog, the hammock would be the last thing they would want to spend time on. Whilst in most cases that would be true, for one particular bulldog in Hungary the hammock is one of his most favoured pastimes. Because you see Columbus doesn’t use a hammock in the conventional manner, he likes to play on it……. In the rain.

His owner says far from hating the instability and unpredictable nature of the hammock Columbus actually enjoys the challenges that it brings. He likes to chase and try to catch the raindrops and seems to think that being on the hammock gives him some kind of advantage. I guess if all dogs or people were the same the world would be a very boring place. And Columbus could never be described as boring, by any stretch of the imagination. So have a look at this video and take some time to enjoy it and Columbus’s antics. It is bound to bring a smile to your day