These Gorgeous Puppies Have Found A New Best Friend

When you are born into a dog loving family in most cases you are introduced as a baby immediately to the dogs, and from then on you never know anything else but having a dog in your life. Whilst that may be a strange thing to say there really is something magical about dogs and babies. Even though prior to babies arrival the dog may have been the centre of attention, as soon as a baby arrives on the scene most dogs instantly drop down the social ladder, whilst also trying their best to befriend and protect this new helpless baby.

Provided that care is taken by the owners, which I would like to think is standard procedure dogs and children can have a fantastic relationship. If you think that adult dogs and kids get on well, then puppies and babies tale things to an entirely different level. As they grow older together the bonds formed when they first met just strengthen by the day. In this video we get to see two beautiful little dogs snuggled up with a newborn baby. This is one relationship I am certain will turn into the best friendship as they grow up together, simply beautiful.