What Happens When A Litter Of Puppies Is Reunited After Four Years?

Every time I have ever got a new puppy I always wonder what they are feeling. I imagine there are scared on their first night, they don’t know what exactly is happening, they have been taken away from all they have ever known and brought home to a strange environment, by a strange person.

Then at night, they get abandoned in their new home whilst their mummy and daddy go to bed. Their brothers and sisters are all gone and probably for the first time in their entire life, they are all alone. What do they think has happened? Do they miss their brothers and sisters or do they forget them really quickly? This video follows one specific puppy who was adopted from an animal shelter. One of eight puppies the first thing we see is the eight puppies all playing together at the shelter. Then over time, we see that specific puppy grow up and enjoy birthdays until the age of four. I am not quite sure how it was organised but a meet up is then arranged for four of the little ones to come back to the shelter and say hello. The video ends with the four dogs all together again, and definitely enjoying each other’s company. Do they know they are related? I honestly don’t know but it is still a lovely video to watch and if anything it just makes my mind even more curious as to what the dogs think. Watch the video below and then let us know your thoughts in the comments.